Instructions in english and on other side appears to me, to be written in German/ Austrian. Box says "Holdauto", the small white styrofoam ball is suppose to be blown up once started, and will follow the toy around. I do not have the proper size batteries to place into it so i havnt gotten it to work.
Take 3, "1.5 size batteries". The switch on bottom on/off? Is very very hard to move by hand, i had to use a butterknife to help to move the switch back and forth.
The hood of the vehicle says "interkozmosz" interspace? " because it looks like the word, "cosmos.
Not sure what the tiny white thing is that is sticking up right next to that word. The plastic is a bit fuzzy, i did wipe that i managed to clear it up quite a bit. It's a very interesting and very neat looking space toy though! I dont have the patience or the intelligence for that.